About me
I am a postdoctoral researcher in Medium Energy Physics group at Argonne National Laboratory. I received doctoral degree in Physics at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. During my Ph.D. I worked on my thesis titled Absolute cross section measurement from p+d & p+p Drell-Yan measurement at SeaQuest [1, 2]. SeaQuest is a fixed target experiment located at FermiLab aimed at studying the substructure (specifically sea-quarks) inside nucleons. I joined the experiment in September 2013 and have been fortunate to learn a wide variety of skills while working on it. I have been actively involved in analysing large-scale dataset using MySQL, CERN-Root (scientific toolkit for processing large-scale data and statistical analysis) and Python. One of the most significant aspect of data analysis that I have learned and enjoyed in my research is to explore the data and ask critical questions about the various features it possesses and try to figure out explanations for such features.